Build your home library and help us provide fantastic programs! Sales of discarded and donated items in the Used Book Store and the Ballroom Book Sale support library programs for all ages like book festivals, story time, author events, Learn It @ Your Library programs, and exhibits in the Attic.
The Provo City Library will gladly accept your book and media donations.
Drop off your donations at:
Books should be in acceptable physical condition:
The Library does not guarantee that donated items will be added to the Library collection. Items not added to the Library collection will be offered for sale during one of our book sales or discarded.
La Biblioteca aceptará gustosamente su donación de libros y de media de visión o música.
Dejar sus donaciones en:
Los libros deben estar en condición aceptable.
Los artículos que no son añadidos a la colección van a ser ofrecidos de venta durante una de las ventas de libros o descartado.