01/01/2025 | New Year's Day |
01/20/2025 | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day |
02/17/2025 | Presidents' Day |
05/26/2025 | Memorial Day |
06/19/2025 | Juneteenth |
07/04/2025 | Independence Day |
07/24/2025 | Pioneer Day |
09/01/2025 | Labor Day |
10/13/2025 | Staff Training Day |
11/27/2025 | Thanksgiving Day* |
11/28/2025 | Day after Thanksgiving* |
12/24/2025 | Christmas Eve** |
12/25/2025 | Christmas Day** |
12/31/2025 | New Year's Eve (closing at 6:00 pm) |
*The outdoor book drops will be closed
November 26 at 9 pm-November 29 at 9 am
**The outdoor book drops will be closed
December 23 at 9 pm-December 26 at 9 am
01/01/2025 | New Year's Day |
01/20/2025 | Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day |
02/17/2025 | President's Day |
06/19/2025 | Memorial Day |
06/19/2025 | Juneteenth |
07/04/2025 | Independence Day |
07/24/2025 | Pioneer Day |
09/01/2025 | Labor Day |
10/13/2025 | Staff Training Day |
11/27/2025 | Thanksgiving Day* |
11/28/2025 | Day after Thanksgiving* |
12/24/2025 | Christmas Eve** |
12/25/2025 | Christmas Day |
12/31/2025 | New Year's Eve (closing at 6:00 pm) |
*Los buzones de afuera estarán cerrados el
26 de noviembre a las 9 pm al 29 de noviembre a las 9 am
**Los buzones de afuera estarán cerrados el
23 de diciembre a las 9 pm al 26 de diciembre a las 9 am